Parks and Recreation Public Open Meeting for Skate Park at
Ipswich River Park Meeting
Minutes of Monday, May 21, 2012
Room 10, Town Hall at 6:30pm
Committee Members: Rita Mullin (RM), Sergio Coviello (SC), Patricia Fillmore (PF)
Staff: Lynne Clemens (LC), Marty Tilton (MT); Sheila Sturdevant (SS)
Tardy: Billie Luker (BL), Ron Kern (RK)
Absent: Mike Fitzpatrick (MF), Heidi Cushing-Candelario (HC); Maureen Stevens (MS)
Call to order: 6:34pm; Quorum, called by Rita Mullin
Audience of Citizens: See sign in sheet
Acceptance of Minutes: No minutes
Introductions: Rita Mullin introduced the committee, stated its purpose and the purpose of this Open public meeting regarding the skate park at Ipswich River Park; Round table introduction of committee and staff; ask the public to sign in on the sign in sheet being handed around, also, handed out rules and procedure draft document to everyone.
Skate Park at Ipswich River Park
Rita read and summarized the document handed out to everyone. She gave the public background information on the history behind the skate park on its construction, repairs, vandalism, incidents, etc.
There were a number of young adults at the meeting that did not agree with scooters or bike with pegs NOT being allowed to use the park anymore. They stated that they felt those people were being single out and if people used their equipment correctly they should be allowed to use the park. A young man also came up with the idea of promoting rubber pegs for bikes and selling them or trading them for kids metal pegs at the concession stand.
Some young adults showed interest in being more involved at helping with policing the skate park for the benefit of all and helping out with guiding other youth down at the park for correct use of the equipment and park.
Rita asked if any of the young adults would be interested in working with and volunteering to help out to please make a note beside their names on the sign in sheet.
Parent attending were also helpful with conversation reminding the youth to appreciate the hard work and rules that are set up by the P&R for the safety of all involved and to secure the longevity of the equipment and park.
The public was educated on where the monies for repairs and upkeep come from for the park. They received a better understanding on the fundraising and how the finances work for such a project.
It was brought up regarding asking if sponsors could be approached to help fund the park.
Rita sated to the public that we appreciated their valuable input and we would like to go over all the information received at tonight’s meeting and schedule another Public meeting which will be advertised for the public to attend again. She thanked everyone for attending and let them know that P&R is always will and available to hear from the public.
• Adjournment
(RM) Rita Mullin made a motion to adjourn meeting at 8:16 pm.
(SC) Sergio Coviello seconds the motion.
Approved: 6 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0 No Discussion-Motion Passed